All Things New
I choose to let go of my old thoughts and view change with hope. The Lord is not destroying, but rather restoring.

The Vine & the Branches
The Father is the gardener. God, like a gardener, has a plan for his vine. He will water it, protect it, and prune it. He prunes it not to d

Break the Stigma
For the work that still needs to be done for his Kingdom, we must realize that even in our struggles, we will not be separated from the Lord

Worship Together
We are called to build a community that bridges churches and neighborhoods and age and race and every walk of life.

Offering to Jesus
Am I afraid I won’t have enough for me? When there is a need, do I hold back, or do I give whatever I can at that moment whether it’s my tim

Fully Human & Entirely, Incredibly, Completely God
Because he is fully human, Jesus can meet us where we are, wherever we are.

Do You Want to Get Well?
It is possible to be sick in our heart, soul, mind, and body for so long that we become comfortable with that infirmity. The pain becomes a

“Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words.”

Jesus’s Feast
His heart’s desire is to save the souls of his people. He tells the disciples, and, by extension, us that ours ought to be the same.

The Things We Share
The little steps we take, the small gestures we make can -- and will -- change our community