All Things New
I choose to let go of my old thoughts and view change with hope. The Lord is not destroying, but rather restoring.

Break the Stigma
For the work that still needs to be done for his Kingdom, we must realize that even in our struggles, we will not be separated from the Lord

“Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words.”

Jesus’s Feast
His heart’s desire is to save the souls of his people. He tells the disciples, and, by extension, us that ours ought to be the same.

Steal, Kill, and Destroy
A reality that offers the recovery of what was taken, the rebirth of what was killed, and the remaking of what was unmade.

The Lord will always call his creation back to himself.

Can't Stop. Won't Stop.
Rest allows us to get back in step with our Shepherd, realigning ourselves with his call. Like sheep, we are destined for failure and foolis

Faith Over Fear
Our faith can and will play a significant role in trauma recovery. The inclusion of women of faith in these conversations plants our perspec

John’s Gospel of Grime and Glory
The heart of John’s gospel is that he embraced the mystery.

Fill in the Blank New Year!
Be true this year. Don’t compare yourself to others because God made you to be beyond all that. Count your scars, stop covering them up and